Brake master cylinder

Brake master cylinder
Time: 2020.09.23 Editor: Yuhuan Jinhui Brake Co., Ltd. Click:

1. The brake master cylinder, also known as "brake master cylinder" and "brake master cylinder", is the main matching part of the vehicle braking system. According to different vehicles, it can also be divided into air brake master cylinder and oil brake master cylinder. In general, the brake master cylinder of passenger cars (such as cars, micro passenger cars, etc.) mostly uses oil brake master cylinder, while that of commercial vehicles (such as freight cars, tractors, etc.) is generally used The air brake master cylinder is used.

2. How it works

The brake master cylinder with oil brake has a tank for storing brake oil on the top and a piston and oil inlet and outlet in the cylinder below.

Brake master cylinder when the brake is stepped on, the piston is pushed by the brake pedal in the cylinder, and then acts through the push rod to transmit the brake oil pressure in the cylinder to the brake wheel cylinders of each wheel to generate the braking function. When the brake pedal is released, the oil outlet in the brake master cylinder will be closed and the oil inlet will be opened, so that the brake oil will return to the original state from the brake cylinder.

The working principle of air brake master cylinder and oil brake master cylinder are basically the same. They both act as valves. The difference is that the oil brake master cylinder will control the brake oil to return to the oil tank after the brake action is finished. However, the vehicle with air brake usually hangs several large air reservoirs on the brake master cylinder frame, and the brake action is finished The rear air will exhaust directly, so we often hear loud exhaust sound when the truck brakes.

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