Matters needing attention of automobile clutch cylinder

Matters needing attention of automobile clutch cylinder
Time: 2020.09.23 Editor: Yuhuan Jinhui Brake Co., Ltd. Click:

1. Pay attention to whether the clutch slips. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. The main reason is that the free stroke of the clutch pedal is too small, and the release bearing is often pressed on the diaphragm spring, so that the pressure plate is always in the semi separated state. Or clutch pressure plate spring is too soft or broken, clutch and flywheel connecting screw loose.

2. In the idle state of the engine, the clutch can be cut off when the clutch pedal almost touches the bottom. When the clutch pedal is pressed, it is difficult to shift or the transmission gear is impacted, or if the clutch pedal is not lifted after shifting, the vehicle starts to drive, which indicates that the vehicle clutch is not completely separated.

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